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Leveraging Open Source Search Engine Scripts for Enhanced Web Search Capabilities

Author: bamboo06 on 4-05-2023, 20:50, views: 2447

0 In today's digital age, search engines have become an integral part of our everyday lives. They enable us to explore the vast universe of information available on the internet and find answers to our questions or solutions to our problems in mere seconds. Open source search engine scripts offer users the ability to create and customize their search engines to better suit their specific needs. In this essay, we will delve into the world of open source search engine scripts, examining their benefits, drawbacks, popular examples, and the future outlook of this technology.
Leveraging Open Source Search Engine Scripts for Enhanced Web Search Capabilities

Category: PHP Scripts / Internet


The Advantages and Challenges of Using Open Source Search Engine Scripts

Author: bamboo06 on 2-05-2023, 00:48, views: 1649

0 Search engines are an essential tool for navigating the vast amounts of data available on the internet. While there are many proprietary search engines available, open source search engine scripts provide a free and customizable alternative. In this essay, we will explore the advantages and challenges of using open source search engine scripts.
The Advantages and Challenges of Using Open Source Search Engine Scripts

Category: PHP Scripts / Internet


PHP Search Engine Scripts: An In-Depth Look into the World of Custom Search Engines

Author: bamboo06 on 23-04-2023, 17:51, views: 1621

0 The internet is vast, and finding specific information can be a challenge. One of the tools that make this easier is search engines. From Google to Bing, these powerful systems sift through the massive amounts of data on the web to deliver the most relevant results. However, with the advent of PHP search engine scripts, web developers can create custom search engines tailored to specific needs or niches.
PHP Search Engine Scripts: An In-Depth Look into the World of Custom Search Engines

Category: PHP Scripts


RESTful API interface design specification

Author: bamboo06 on 21-09-2020, 15:17, views: 4132

0 In development work, we sometimes need to provide an API interface for clients or third parties to use, so how to build an API that users can quickly understand is an important task. If we strictly abide by some specifications when designing APIs, communication costs and efficiency will be greatly improved in the subsequent development process. Let’s talk about the design specifications of RESETful API today.
RESTful API interface design specification

Category: Apps


Front-end CryptoJS AES/DES encryption and decryption and back-end PHP AES/DES encryption and decryption

Author: bamboo06 on 15-07-2020, 15:49, views: 6962

0 Today we will focus on front-end encryption. Some projects involve more sensitive data, and developers will require the front end to encrypt the data before transmitting it to the back end for decryption processing. Although https has actually played a great role in protecting data transmission, for users who do not use https, front-end encryption still has a certain significance.
Front-end CryptoJS AES/DES encryption and decryption and back-end PHP AES/DES encryption and decryption

This article involves:
The front end uses CryptoJS to encrypt and decrypt DES or AES data;
The backend uses PHP openssl to decrypt and encrypt the data.

Category: PHP Scripts


Use front-end Javascript download file

Author: bamboo06 on 17-06-2020, 16:43, views: 2998

0 There is often a need to export data to Excel during project development, or to download documents. The simplest way to download is to directly request the file address of the server and download the file through the browser http. But in development, due to project requirements, the address of the file you want to download will not be exposed to the user, and authentication is required to allow the download of the file. What should we do at this time?
Use front-end Javascript download file

Category: Javascript


NProgress.js-page loading progress bar

Author: bamboo06 on 9-06-2020, 20:54, views: 4302

0 NProgress.js provides a page loading progress bar effect. When the page opens and loads, a progress bar loading animation will appear at the top of the page. NProgress.js is a lightweight progress bar component that is easy to use and can be easily integrated into single-page applications.
NProgress.js-page loading progress bar

Directly quote the nprogress.js and nprogress.css files to your page.

Category: Javascript / Plugins


PHP errors and exception handling

Author: bamboo06 on 9-06-2020, 20:26, views: 2402

0 Unlike other programming languages ​​that throw exceptions when encountering errors, PHP also has an exception mechanism when handling objects, but PHP will perform as happily as possible and ignore what happened, unless it encounters an extremely serious error. There is an exception. This article outlines PHP-related error exception handling mechanisms.
PHP errors and exception handling

PHP has several error severity levels. The three most common types of information are errors, notices, and warnings. They have different severity: E_ERROR, E_NOTICE and E_WARNING. The error is a serious problem during operation, usually caused by code error, it must be corrected, otherwise PHP will stop execution. Notifications are information of a recommended nature, because the program code may cause problems during execution, but the program will not stop. The warning is a non-fatal error, and program execution will not be aborted.

Category: PHP Scripts


Using fetch for asynchronous requests in JavaScript

Author: bamboo06 on 1-04-2020, 19:14, views: 2746

0 In the AJAX era, network requests such as APIs are made through XMLHttpRequest or encapsulated frameworks. The fetch framework now produced is simply to provide more powerful and efficient network requests. Although there are currently a few browser compatibility issues, when we make some asynchronous requests, we can use fetch to make perfect network requests.
Using fetch for asynchronous requests in JavaScript

Category: Javascript


8 common pitfalls in JavaScript

Author: bamboo06 on 1-04-2020, 19:02, views: 2523

1 javascript uses alphanumeric to sort by default. Therefore, the result of [1,2,5,10] .sort () is [1, 10, 2, 5]. If you want to sort correctly, you should do this: [1,2,5,10] .sort ((a, b) => a-b)
8 common pitfalls in JavaScript

javascript uses alphanumeric to sort by default. So the result of [1,2,5,10] .sort () is [1, 10, 2, 5].

Category: Javascript

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