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Leveraging Open Source Search Engine Scripts for Enhanced Web Search Capabilities

Author: bamboo06 on 4-05-2023, 20:50, views: 2496

0 In today's digital age, search engines have become an integral part of our everyday lives. They enable us to explore the vast universe of information available on the internet and find answers to our questions or solutions to our problems in mere seconds. Open source search engine scripts offer users the ability to create and customize their search engines to better suit their specific needs. In this essay, we will delve into the world of open source search engine scripts, examining their benefits, drawbacks, popular examples, and the future outlook of this technology.
Leveraging Open Source Search Engine Scripts for Enhanced Web Search Capabilities

Category: PHP Scripts / Internet


The Advantages and Challenges of Using Open Source Search Engine Scripts

Author: bamboo06 on 2-05-2023, 00:48, views: 1658

0 Search engines are an essential tool for navigating the vast amounts of data available on the internet. While there are many proprietary search engines available, open source search engine scripts provide a free and customizable alternative. In this essay, we will explore the advantages and challenges of using open source search engine scripts.
The Advantages and Challenges of Using Open Source Search Engine Scripts

Category: PHP Scripts / Internet


Microsoft officially ends support for Windows 7

Author: bamboo06 on 14-01-2020, 14:22, views: 2225

0 Finally, with the arrival of January 14, 2020, the ten-year-old Windows 7 operating system has officially retired. Starting today, Microsoft will officially discontinue support for Win7, which means that users can still use this classic operating system normally, but Microsoft will no longer perform any reason and update.
Microsoft officially ends support for Windows 7

Microsoft stated that "after January 14, 2020, Microsoft will no longer provide security upgrades or support for computers with Windows 7 installed." Windows 7 was born in 2009, and it has been more than 10 years. 10 years of maintenance, so the impact of this outage is not small.

Category: Internet


Gates: The biggest regret is that I can't do a good mobile phone system

Author: bamboo06 on 2-07-2019, 20:38, views: 1347

0 Recently, it was revealed that Gates once again expressed his "great regret" to the Android system when he participated in the exchange activities organized by venture capital company Village Global.
Gates: The biggest regret is that I can't do a good mobile phone system

Gates said that the biggest mistake he made when managing the company was that he did not let Microsoft become the "non-Apple" operating system platform, and let Android rise, which is a $400 billion business.

Category: Internet


Li Yanhong: China changes technology

Author: bamboo06 on 7-04-2019, 01:57, views: 1690

0 CDF Talk (Institute Speech) is an innovative speech event launched by the 20th China Development Forum. The theme of the event is "My Future with China". Twelve representatives from Chinese and foreign outstanding people are invited to share their stories with China. In the first issue, please discuss with Baidu founder, chairman and CEO Li Yanhong "China changes technology."
Li Yanhong: China changes technology

In China, we must make full use of the advantages of data, the advantages of the scene, the advantages of talent, the advantages of capital and the advantages of infrastructure, and push innovation forward.
These innovations can be used not only by China, but also by the world. Through big data, we can create big opportunities for China to contribute technology that belongs to the world.

Category: Internet


Google officially closed the short URL service GOO.GL

Author: bamboo06 on 7-04-2019, 01:49, views: 18120

0 Google URL Shortener officially announced its cessation of support today. Since March 30, 2018, Google has gradually closed the URL short URL service. After April 13, 2018, only existing users will be allowed to continue to use the short link generation service. In addition, the user's analysis data can be viewed and the short link information can be downloaded in CSV format. On March 30, 2019, the console will be officially closed.
Google officially closed the short URL service GOO.GL

Google's short URL service was launched on December 14, 2009, and it has been 9 years since the service was closed. The existing link is still available, but the new link has not been created. Google recommends that developers can turn to their Firebase dynamic links, and regular users can only switch to other short URL services.

Category: Internet


https is the trend of the development of the world's websites

Author: bamboo06 on 27-11-2018, 14:27, views: 1860

0 HTTPS This is a lot of websites that are used to protect user data. It is enabled when the user logs in. More often, due to trade-offs in performance overhead, basically all data is transmitted unencrypted. Multimedia files, especially streaming media, seem to have no security problems in plain text transmission. However, they actually have very serious consequences, such as being maliciously hijacked traffic, and inserting a small advertisement on the page. The visitor also thought that this was the advertisement provided by the interviewed station. If it is a normal advertisement, it can be tolerated, but pornographic gambling false medical advertisements abound. This is certainly not a good user experience.
https is the trend of the development of the world's websites

So, in our particular environment, it's okay to focus on HTTPS, not to mention deploying HTTPS for the purpose of protecting user privacy.

Category: Internet


Website status code

Author: bamboo06 on 14-11-2018, 18:19, views: 2457

2 404, 503, 301, the website status code is the most common, but as a webmaster, you should have more website status codes in order to respond to various errors in the website and fix errors faster. Here are some website status codes that Yang Xiaojie blogs for everyone.
Website status code

100 Continue
The initial request has been accepted and the customer should continue to send the rest of the request. (HTTP 1.1 new)
101 Switching Protocols
The server will switch to another protocol in accordance with the client's request (HTTP 1.1 new)
200 OK
Everything is ok, and the answer to the GET and POST requests is followed.

Category: Internet


Tips about the file upload

Author: bamboo06 on 16-11-2017, 22:45, views: 16163

1 File upload WEB development in a wide range of applications, we often send microblogging, send micro-channel circle of friends have used the picture upload function. File upload refers to the process of uploading local images, videos, audio files to the server for other users to browse or download. Today, I talk to you about the common file (picture) upload methods and points to deal with.
Tips about the file upload

Category: PHP Scripts / Javascript / Plugins / Internet


AlphaGo Innovation

Author: bamboo06 on 29-05-2017, 03:44, views: 10259

0 As the first person to meet with AlphaGo in 2015, the Chinese traveler European football player, the European champion Fan wrote a detailed description of the chess program chess and chess routines, and its use in the recent game strategy and tactics Innovation. The following is Fan Quan full text:
AlphaGo Innovation

One of the most important roles of artificial intelligence is that it helps humans understand and explore the ability of new knowledge in complex areas. The use of artificial intelligence in several areas has given us a glimpse of its ability. For example, using algorithms, we have greatly optimized the use of energy for data centers. Of course, there's our Go program - AlphaGo.

Category: Internet

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