» Articles for December 2014 Year

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Chinese Internet users in the White House petition to initiate re-opened Gmail web petition

Author: bamboo06 on 30-12-2014, 01:11, views: 2894

1 Chinese Internet users in the United States White House petition site launched a petition requesting China re-opened Gmail, content petition said, "companies can not cooperate to create wealth for the world, scientists can not collaborate to explore the truth of the universe, can not apply for university students to pursue their dreams ...... Number of millions of Chinese people not only unable to contribute their knowledge and expertise to the global Internet community, and can not understand the latest news of friends. "
Chinese Internet users in the White House petition to initiate re-opened Gmail web petition

Category: Internet


use jQuery + PHP to realize dynamic digital display of results

Author: bamboo06 on 28-12-2014, 01:45, views: 2653

3 We need a dynamic display of data in some applications, such as the current line number, the current transaction total, at current exchange rates, etc., need real-time refresh the front page for the latest data. This article will tell you with examples using jQuery and PHP to achieve dynamic digital display effect.
use jQuery + PHP to realize dynamic digital display of results

Category: PHP Scripts / Javascript


Apple announced the 2014 list of the most popular applications store

Author: bamboo06 on 25-12-2014, 01:24, views: 3870

0 Recently, the number of media to Apple iTunes website and official page announced the App Store on 2014 of the most popular applications, including the best paid apps iPad, iPad best free applications, iPhone applications and iPhone best best paid free applications list.
Apple announced the 2014 list of the most popular applications store

Best free iPhone app which is Facebook Messenger, although due to the official Facebook was criticized by many consumers - to remove the chat feature on the main application in turn requires a separate download Facebook Messenger app.

Category: Internet


7 great after effect light leak slideshow animation effects

Author: bamboo06 on 24-12-2014, 01:23, views: 4814

11 Today I will show you some wonderful after effect Light Leaks Creative Suite Animations template. If you like them, please check it. May you like them.
Light Leak Slideshow
7 great after effect light leak slideshow animation effects

Main features:
100% After Effects project (no pre-rendered assets)
25 placeholders for photos or for videos
48 textholders
1 logoholder
Full HD (1920×1080) 25fps
After Effects CS5 or above (CS5.5, CS6, CC)
Fully customizable
Length: dynamic 1 minute and 6 seconds animation
Easy and fast customization
No Plug-in required
Fast render time
Help file included
Music link: Sweet as Candy, Fresh as Mint by kerplunkstudios

Category: Video


7 wonderful AD HTML 5 template

Author: bamboo06 on 22-12-2014, 03:11, views: 21649

0 Today we will offer you some creative great html5 ad templates. If you like them, please check the links.
HTML 5 Ad Templates for Sales
7 wonderful AD HTML 5 template

Sales Html5 Ad Templates, fully compatible with Google Web Designer.
Current Dimensions: 300×100 (expandable) 300×250 125×125
Animated Ad Templates. Perfect for Sales on Products

Category: Graphics


PHP Session and Cookie operation

Author: bamboo06 on 20-12-2014, 02:58, views: 3141

8 We need to use to track user information Session and Cookie, such as user login authentication, user browsing history record store shopping cart data, user session valid time limit. Today we come to understand how to operate under PHP is the Session and Cookie.
PHP Session and Cookie operation

PHP's $ _SESSION current user data can be stored, when the user visits WEB site, PHP will give users access to each create a session ID, the ID is a unique ID, saved on the client, and the user's session data is saved to the the service side, PHP can be stored for each different user information when the session expires, the user session information will be invalidated.

Category: PHP Scripts


Apple released iTunes Scrolls for year 2014

Author: bamboo06 on 19-12-2014, 18:53, views: 3578

1 The year is approaching, it is almost time for just the past year to make a summarized. Not long ago, Apple announced the iTunes Store application in 2014, the annual selection of games. The list is divided into iPhone, iPad two platforms, each has 1 best, 1 excellent, 25 models featured. Currently, users can find the complete list in iTunes, App Store focal figure.
Apple released iTunes Scrolls for year 2014

US District iPhone side, the best application year is "Elevate", outstanding application is "Hyperlapse from Instagram", Game of the Year is "Threes!", The game is excellent, "Rio's wealth."

Category: Internet


PBN(Private Blog Network) Strategy

Author: bamboo06 on 18-12-2014, 02:50, views: 2897

7 This article discusses how to go through the PBN only do SEO, regards for PBN's attitude problems, such as "PBN is dead", "PBN is still valid," and so on, eyes of the beholder, the wise see wisdom.
PBN(Private Blog Network) Strategy

Well, let's start the topic - Private Blog Network Strategy.

Category: Internet


Google released 2014 annual search rankings

Author: bamboo06 on 17-12-2014, 01:50, views: 2815

2 Google announced the 2014 annual global popular search rankings, from the perspective of the data presented in 2014 for everyone that people are most concerned about the hot events and social trends. This year's list brings together popular characters and events in 72 countries and regions worldwide, and is made in the 2014 worldwide more than 2 trillion based search collection.
Google released 2014 annual search rankings

In 2014 the world's top-ranked popular search rankings is a famous American film actor, a number of Academy Award winner: Robin Williams. He was there in "Dead Poets Society," "Good Will Hunting" and many other classic films over the wonderful performance, loved by fans around the world, and its sudden death of news for all to marvel at. Many people are searching the Internet for information about him, hoping to remember the genius - it all made him popular search ranking highest in the world the first one.

Category: Internet


Why iPhone can not kill the iPad

Author: bamboo06 on 16-12-2014, 01:21, views: 2244

2 Since iPhone6 Plus this "flat mobile phone" listing, ipad sales performance is not optimistic, suffered a decline for the first time since the quarter, the media reported that the iPad's market is being eroded iPhone 6, its position in the Apple product line also being "marginalized", since there are many media people are worrying about the future development of iPad decline, a time "iPhone kill the iPad" the decline of words spread like wildfire, really give Apple a lot of pressure.
Why iPhone can not kill the iPad

In just the past "Black Friday," the day, iPad unexpectedly hot in the San Francisco Bay area, shop and store a number of retailers are almost sold out, one on "Black Five" sales situation, iPad and even future fate in the Tablet PC may not have imagined so tragic.

Category: Internet

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