» Articles for 13.08.2016

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Making use of jQuery and CSS3 for responsive horizontal time axis

Author: bamboo06 on 13-08-2016, 02:16, views: 13401

11 We often see a lot of progress in record events to the vertical axis, and a friend asked me asked to share the level of the timeline, in fact, the difficulty level of the timeline is adaptive screen size. Well, today I'm going to share with you is a responsive support, support touch gestures sliding horizontal time axis.
Making use of jQuery and CSS3 for responsive horizontal time axis

Category: Javascript / CSS


Fixed background and scrolling page effect with CSS

Author: bamboo06 on 13-08-2016, 01:54, views: 14990

7 How to create a just simply and none requiring javascript and CSS property of background-attachment can be realized fixed page backgrounds and scrolling effect. We see that there are many project sites use parallax effect, parallax is generated by the dynamic changes and the background image and js script, but today we only need CSS.
Fixed background and scrolling page effect with CSS

HTML structure is very simple, a background image is fixed placement class .cd-fixed-bg div element for a class of .cd-scrolling-bg div element portion for scrolling. We can place multiple .cd-fixed-bg and .cd-scrolling-bg group.

Category: CSS