» album js


album js

At our site you can get album js demo/script, and we are trying our best to create album js effect/example using php, ajax, javascript, jQuery, CSS3 and HTML5, and so on. More sources like album js, including graphics, video, 3D models, photography, internet, apps, plugins, skins, mobile and wordpress, will be revealed on our site.
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Using jQuery to achieve photo gallery over the information effect

Author: bamboo06 on 4-11-2014, 03:34, views: 5311

0 When you want to display more information in a limited space, we often take the mouse over pop more information layer to improve interaction. In particular, photo wall can be applied in the company, job recruitment website information display, and so the scene.
Using jQuery to achieve photo gallery  over the information effect

In this paper, with examples and share using jQuery to achieve over the picture show information effect. When the mouse slid photo will pop up the corresponding detailed information about the photo, see the demonstration effect.

Category: Javascript / Plugins