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iframe cross-domain communication

Author: bamboo06 on 1-01-2016, 23:52, views: 4116

5 As we all know, since the front end javascript to access cross-domain security restrictions made, javascript can only be accessed with the content of the document that contains it in the same domain. And when we encounter the actual code using iframe cross-domain access, Ajax cross-border communications and other operations, this time the problem of how to break cross-border operations, with examples of this article will tell solutions.
iframe cross-domain communication

At the same how different subdomains main domain javascript calls? This problem easy to solve, such as the existing primary domain and subdomains helloweba.com abc.helloweba.com, there is a page in helloweba.com embedded iframe pointing to a certain page abc.helloweba.com under, iframe page needs access helloweba. com this js the function code of the page, then the solution is: at the top of the two pages plus document.domain information.

Category: Javascript / HTML5


Cross-border marketing

Author: bamboo06 on 26-11-2014, 01:53, views: 3542

1 In the Internet marketing field, more and more frequently some very different type of cross-border cooperation in marketing, selling instant noodles and sell video collaboration, and even sell cars and hand tour also huh cross-border cooperation. You can predict that in the case of more expensive flow, cross-marketing will become increasingly common.
Cross-border marketing

So, as we engage in marketing, manage this marketing method, it is very necessary. To do so, by two points, the first is more successful cross-border marketing case studies, master operating skills; the second is the concept of the learning content of these aspects. Cross-marketing case, I have gathered a lot of children's shoes need to contact me, and we will be happy to share. Content on the concept of respect and in this article we explore next.

Category: Internet