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Making use of jQuery and CSS3 for responsive horizontal time axis

Author: bamboo06 on 13-08-2016, 02:16, views: 13420

11 We often see a lot of progress in record events to the vertical axis, and a friend asked me asked to share the level of the timeline, in fact, the difficulty level of the timeline is adaptive screen size. Well, today I'm going to share with you is a responsive support, support touch gestures sliding horizontal time axis.
Making use of jQuery and CSS3 for responsive horizontal time axis

Category: Javascript / CSS


Achieve responsive data table by CSS3

Author: bamboo06 on 24-11-2015, 00:48, views: 2893

1 Designing responsive page, the hardest part is processing table, data table design as an indispensable element, plays an important role in the data application projects, but to get a table really a little trouble to adapt to various screen . This article will use examples to demonstrate how to use CSS3 to achieve responsive data form.
Achieve responsive data table by CSS3

When the screen is small enough (such as mobile phone screen) that is less than the minimum width of the table, if not responsive handling, it will scroll horizontally, you need to manually move the magnified portion of the screen to see beyond such experience is poor. Our solution is to use CSSmedia queries to detect screen size, when the screen size is small enough, re-layout table form.

Category: CSS / HTML5


Responsive HTML5 touchable audio player

Author: bamboo06 on 10-08-2015, 00:58, views: 3370

7 HTML5's audio provides audio playback, but the native style is not very nice looking, and each browser audio appears to show disunity. We can be a little package under the audio, you can achieve a response beautiful player style which can be touched.
Responsive HTML5 touchable audio player

Category: Javascript / CSS / HTML5


Talk about responsive front-end web design

Author: bamboo06 on 24-05-2015, 02:30, views: 2873

5 I have some time before the concept of responsive or Bootstrap, Amaze like the frame assembly, used a few times also disagree, I think the domestic search engine to provide mobile search results page or give mobile site extra points, but not like google responsive as recognition sites may take some time to develop. But there is no doubt that the priority now move to mobile Web trends, of course, if you use the domain name or other solutions are not impossible, but may be more responsive simpler, prospects are also good.
Talk about responsive front-end web design

Both three weeks I have been writing every day responsive page, thereby accumulated a lot of experience responsive page and the ajax. I generally focus combing several responsive page, or if you want to develop this talent was viewed with some interest, we hope to give you a little help.

Category: CSS / Internet